Developing work ready, world ready, future ready graduates that achieve successful outcomes is at the core of who we are at Solent. Our variety of support services, approach to teaching and learning and engagement with external partners enables our students to develop the skills and knowledge required for their future.

Fifteen months after completing their studies, Solent students are invited to complete the Graduate Outcomes survey. This national survey captures information about the activities and perspectives of graduates 15 months after they finish their studies. Completing this study allows current and future students to gain an insight into the career destinations and development of those who studied at Solent. Responses also help Solent to evaluate individual courses and further enhance its portfolio.
On this page you can find further information on Solent’s most recent Graduate Outcomes results along with details on what to expect for any Solent graduate about to complete the survey.
About the Graduate Outcomes survey
Information for recent graduates
It’s amazing how quickly time passes! Fifteen months on from completing your studies you will be asked to participate in the Graduate Outcomes Survey. Whether you are in full time employment, further study or started your own business, the survey aims to capture what you are currently doing, and you will initially be contacted by email and invited to complete the survey. If following this you have not completed the survey you will receive a phone call and SMS reminders.
Information for current students
It’s a good idea to make sure the contact details we hold for you are up to date. Please visit the 'edit my details' portal app - It's vital that you let the University know if you've got a new address, phone number or have changed your name.Â