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Our pledges and charters

Solent University is proud to demonstrate our commitment to being future ready through being signatories of pledges and charters with key external partners. Together, these define who we are and what we stand for.

Social Mobility Pledge, This is Purpose
We are committed to growing the Social Mobility Pledge coalition, sharing best practice and playing a key role in closing the growing Covid-19 Opportunity Gap.

Find out more about our contextual offers scheme

C-19 Business Pledge, This is Purpose
We are committed to being a force for good by making a commitment to doing what we can to tackle coronavirus (Covid-19), supporting the recovery and helping the world to rebuild over the medium to long term.

Manifesto for Public Engagement, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
We are committed to contribute to society through our public engagement, sharing our knowledge, resources and skills with the public, and listening to and learning from the expertise and insight of the different communities with which we engage - benefiting staff, students and the public, and sharing what we learn about effective practice.

Find out more about our public engagement

Development of a Civic Agreement, UPP Foundation
We are committed to creating a Civic University Agreement that will align our priorities with those of our local partners. Alongside schools, further education colleges, local authorities, charities, the NHS, civil society and businesses, large and small, we want to make sure our place thrives in the coming decades.

Find out more about our civic agreement

Magna Charta Universitarium, Magna Charta Observatory
We are committed to the principles of academic freedom and institutional autonomy as a guideline for good governance and self-understanding of universities.

Green City Charter, Southampton City Council
We are committed to addressing some of the most challenging environmental issues facing Southampton to deliver far-reaching changes to the city environment.

Find out more about environment and sustainability at Solent

Fossil Free Declaration, People and Planet
We are committed to remaining free of investments in fossil fuel.

Find out more about environment and sustainability at Solent

City of Sanctuary Organisation Pledge

We support the ‘City of Sanctuary’ vision that the UK will be a welcoming place of safety for all and proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution. We will become a University of Sanctuary.

Find out more about our work to become a University of Sanctuary