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Procurement and suppliers

The Procurement Team plays an important role in University business and are responsible for advising on the strategy and processes involved in acquiring goods and services for the University in an ethical, sustainable and financially viable way. The Team are committed to assisting the University to achieve value for money and to reduce commercial risk.

We operate fairly and transparently within the law governing public sector procurement, as well as within the University’s own financial regulations.

How to supply us

We normally engage with suppliers via a tender, accessing national framework agreements available to us or by obtaining quotations for a specific requirement. We do not operate an approved supplier list.

We are a member of the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC), allowing us access to existing framework agreements for a range of goods and services developed by the SUPC or a partner consortium. Visit their website to learn how to become an SUPC supplier. The University can also use any other contracts/frameworks accessible to the higher education sector.

We aim to trade on our standard terms and conditions unless agreed otherwise in advance by the procurement manager. As part of our due diligence practices we require suppliers to provide evidence of their financial and technical or professional standing. Our due diligence checks will also require copies of relevant certification and insurances, confirmation of company status and a declaration of any conflict of interest.

We welcome suppliers of all kinds, including small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE).

We do not participate in surveys or accept speculative sales calls or meetings, instead please register on our tendering portal In-Tend, where we advertise opportunities. If you wish to contact us more generally about your products or services, contact the procurement team by email or register directly on our In-Tend portal.

Recent major projects the Procurement Team were involved in