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Dual poster exhibition

23 May 2017

Yesterday saw the culmination of three years of hard work for our soon-to-be graduands. Final year Media Technology​ students presented their final year projects to the academic team and industry representatives during our annual technology exhibition “poster day”. 


We had a new location this year based in the atrium of the new Spark Building; the exhibition benefited from a more spacious feel and was much more visible to passersby. The exhibition was well received by a number of professionals from a range of related industries. This gave the students excellent opportunities to network as well as practising their communication skills! 

As usual there was an eclectic mix of sound, vision and acoustics based projects including design and build as well as research projects. It’s great to see what the students have achieved and to hear then talking so knowledgeably and passionately on a professional level. 


This year we also held the second years’ ‘managing projects’ exhibition at the same time. The second years have spent the last six weeks intensively completing a group project having planned it earlier in the year. Each group produced a poster summarising their findings and was able to discuss their thoughts with our industry visitors. This was a great opportunity for the second years to get inspiration for their own final year projects and to discuss them with the third years and professionals. 

Congratulations to all those involved for an excellent day. Special thanks have to be extended to the technicians and staff that worked tirelessly to prepare the venue and to issue all of the equipment.