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Looking Back: Summer Festivals 2019

31 January 2020

As the Winter appears to draw on, with the cold and rain that comes with it, it was great to catch up with Jonty Stewart to plan for the summer and look back on the work experience that he oversaw during the Summer last year.

Jonty is a Senior Consultant for Vanguardia and last year gave fourteen Media Technology students access to a range of festivals for work experience. The students came from across the year groups – including Masters students – from Audio Engineering, Live Sound Technology and Acoustics pathways. Between them, they worked across several events including:

We Are FSTVL    |    Cream Steelyard    |    Balterfest    |    Isle of Wight    |    Wireless
Community    |    NASS    |    Creamfields    |    D-Day    |    Victorious    |    Tokyoworld

Solent students once again proved themselves to be responsible, reliable and professional, and gained extensive experience not only managing sound engineers but also setting up specialist Audioview and MeTrao noise management hardware and software – they also all received a voucher for a free set of ACS moulded hearing protectors.  Jonty commented “the ongoing relationship we have with Solent is extremely beneficial to us in terms of access to keen, competent, interested individuals and additional equipment resources, and we believe we offer real-world experience which is invaluable to the students and, by extension, to the University.”

Vanguardia and the course team are looking ahead to next Summer and looking forward to offering more opportunities during Summer 2020. For now… back to the drizzle!