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Noise monitoring at Balter Festival

7 June 2017

Two students from Media Technology drove to Chepstow earlier in the month to provide noise monitoring services with Vanguardia Consulting at Balter Festival. The festival ran between 2nd and 4th June, describing itself as a “travelling convoy of misfits and weirdos, wacked-out racers and disco divas”.

According to their website, to balter is “to dance artlessly, without particular skill or grace, but always with great contented enjoyment”. There were 14 stages featuring over 60 artists of a reggae-electronic ilk. 


Marco and Rianna were on hand to ensure that the merriments could be as intense as possible without adversely affecting local residents. They were monitoring sound pressure levels off site and liaising with front of house to subtly control levels.

Marco commented how the knowledge from his Audio Engineering course helped him to understand how to apply targeted frequency equalisation and multiband compression to get the best possible experience within the space. 

Media Technology students usually get involved with noise monitoring at a number of festivals over the Summer thanks to our links with Vanguardia and Solent Acoustics.