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Noise Monitoring at IoW Festival

25 June 2018

Media Technology students were at the Isle of Wight Festival this weekend helping Vanguardia provide noise monitoring services. The students were involved in monitoring levels on and offsite and helping the acoustics consultants to identify sources of noise. First year BSc (Hons) Live Sound Technology student Matthew Baines commented:

“The noise monitoring offsite was very interesting! We spend time at night communicating with [senior acoustics consultant] Jonty helping to identify noise sources that had the potential to breach limits. The most interesting thing taken away was how much control one can have over varying frequencies without the crowd even perceiving it – especially at the low end.”

Festivals are an ideal environment for the students to put the theory that they’ve learned into practice. Experiences from within a lab environment are incredibly useful but seeing the concepts applied at scale allow them to hone their understanding and appreciate the bigger picture. The relationship with Vanguardia is invaluable as it gives students the opportunity to access engineering areas and the professionals onsite are always extremely willing to talk the students about their work.