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SMPTE meeting at Solent

9 February 2016

The “Three Rs” Challenge for Media Technology Education – Recruitment, Resources and Reputation

Thursday, February 18, 2016 – 18:15 to 20:45
Southampton Solent University Lecture Theatre 1
East Park Terrace,
SO14 0YN,
United Kingdom

Sean Lancastle will propose ideas on how to recruit tomorrow’s engineers and how to equip them for future trends like IP production and invite discussion. We will then meet the students of the SMPTE Student Chapter and have a close look and walk through of Solent’s technical facilities, including the OB truck.

This is a great opportunity for students and industry to mix over a topic that is currently gripping the industry. With IP there is flexibility but also challenges in live production. Combined with 4K and HDR new skills and workflows are required. How can tomorrow’s engineers be equipped with these skills and where will they come from?

Sean Lancastle

Sean Lancastle started his career with BBC television in Bristol and spent some time as Technology Manager for Global Radio before joining Southampton Solent University to run its Media Technology Group. Sean has recently taken on a new role as Broadcast Business Development Manager for the University, specifically targeting new ways to engage with the industry and develop partnerships for education and training. Sean represented the UK’s universities at the recent EBU/IABM summit on the broadcast engineering skills shortage, and has a particular interest in getting young people enthused about the industry.