PR students lead the field in #bestPRblog
Every week PR students from universities across the UK enter #bestPRblog, run by Richard Bailey @behindthespin, as an opportunity to learn, network and promote their blogs.
Over the past few years PR_SSU have taken advantage of this wonderful platform, with third year student Livi Wilkes winning the title of Britain’s Best PR Student Blogger 2015.
2016 is proving to be equally as successful with PR_SSU students being featured every week! This past week four of our students where featured, with posts ranging from student experience and PR advice through to their personal inspirations.
Take a look below –
Livi Wilkes – Final year update!
Abi Kitcher – 5 top tips for PR Students: How important Social Media is in PR
Sarah Penny – Inspirational Women for Women’s Day
Laura Bradley – What’s Your Personality Type?