The Internet and Dating, a Podcast by Harry Lamb
The birth of the internet has given us endless opportunities, one of these being the chance to expand our previously limited dating pool through the use of sites and apps such as Tinder. Talking to three generations, second year Student Harry Lamb’s podcast discusses success stories, why and how different generations use online dating and more.
Lamb firstly speaks to Fred and Pauline, an elderly couple who began dating before there was an option to date online, and ask them about their opinions on online dating. Fred explains how different dating was back in his day, where people would focus solely on one person and how we now live secluded lives meaning we don’t tend to meet people outside the internet now. With Pauline agreeing with her husband stating that she believes peoples loneliness is a key factor as to why people date online.
Talking about their success story, Lamb next speaks to AD and Peter who met through online dating. With any form of dating, there are some bizarre and unsuccessful dates to be had before meeting your perfect match. AD and Peter both agree they had a few unsuccessful dates through their dating profile before meeting each other and knowing they had found the one, marrying within 18 months of meeting. They both speak very highly on using a dating profile and believe that you definitely can find love through it.
Online dating isn’t just for love and can be used to find something fun and casual, and for 19 year old Student Nadia, this is what she is currently using her dating profile for. She explains that everyone seems to have a dating profile at University, it is an easy way of putting yourself out there and meeting new people. However she finds that, as a woman it can be frowned upon to openly admit that you’re just looking for something fun. Whilst this issue is progressing, some people tend not to admit to it.
Each generation has their own opinion on what online dating is for, Fred and Pauline believe it’s a way to keep your options open, AD and Peter know you can find love, and Nadia simply wants to have fun.Â
What do you think? You can listen to Harry Lamb’s full podcast here.
Written by Ali Kan
Edited and Published by Chloe Webb
BA (Hons) Media Production