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What makes our Media Production course stand out?

16 February 2024

By Bethany Harrison


When reflecting upon what to write this week, I realised that I was struggling to come up with content ideas. Usually, I pick an umbrella module from my course, like photography or videography etc, and give you an overview of what the module is and why it’s useful. All those pieces hopefully encourage you to see Solent as a viable option for helping students in their media careers. They are fun to write and it’s nice to share how the course has helped my career, but I've come to realise that I haven’t really given you my opinions on the course.

Why did I choose to do Media Production at Solent?

Like any other stressed Sixth form student, I turned to Google to find out what universities were good for media. I cannot count how many hours I spent reading different university’s media course pages but when I came across Solent’s page and the content list for the course one thing stood out to me. And that was variety. 17- or 18-year-old me had no clue what media area she wanted to work in. All I knew was that it was my favourite subject and that I was good at it in comparison to my other subjects.

Solent’s course offered me something that the others didn’t. They offered me choices. You see, this course encompasses all the major aspects of media. This meant I had to try everything before deciding what I wanted to do. At the time of writing this post, I was just over halfway through my second year at this university, and I can confidently say I now know what area of media I want to work in. The only reason why I am so confident in it is because I got to try everything.

Yes, this course is good for many reasons; it's forward-thinking, extremely relevant, fun, challenging and informative. But the fact that you don’t have to know exactly what you want to do is very comforting and in my opinion one of the best things about it. Once you start to get a feel for what you want to do, the course is designed to let you streamline your learning to match what you want to do and that is so important not only for ensuring that you have a vast skill set but it also makes the course a lot more enjoyable. After all, three or four years is a long time to commit to a course and there is always a danger that students have no clue what to do with their degree. This way, you will know the steps you need to take to work in the industry that interests you.


So, if you want to ensure that you get to try every aspect of the media before committing to just one part of the industry for your career, I would heavily encourage you to come to Solent. Find out what you like and dislike with the support and guidance of our excellent lecturers and the support of your fellow students and the university community.