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16 January 2023

Producing beats is not something many are able to successfully do, laying the backbone to a hard-hitting Drake song, the ability to have a crowd of people in a club dancing in synchrony. To call AVI's beats "a vibe" would feel inappropriate, because the 21-year-old producer is none other than the vibe of the future.

Avi at a basket ball court, outside.

Hailing from the city of Calcutta in India, AVI has been exposed to a broad range of music genres. He travelled to the US at 15 to live in Massachusetts, before moving to the Pacific coast of California, and then, at 19, the bustling streets of New York City. He now resides in Southampton, UK, where he currently studies at Solent University.

Avi at his desk with a large TV and laptop

AVI states that travelling a lot in his youth has allowed him to "not get caught up in a single form of popular music", giving him a matured taste of a variety of musical influence. This experience reflects in his production, with a unique and vesitile catalogue, from beats that are impossible to keep still listening to, to late-night lo-fi, calming down the hectic days of everyday life.

Avi outside a house

AVI’s music uplifts, it captures the very essence of a desired emotion and acts as a soundtrack to elivate it, whether accompanied by an artist or listened to as an instrumental. You may not have heard of AVI now, but you’ll be hearing him very soon…

Written by Dylan Lewis. Music Business student.Â