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The importance of teaching primary PE

10 July 2020

As the nation has embraced lockdown, it is important to take a moment to reflect on how it has affected the influence of physical education (PE). Therefore, by making use of the environment and open spaces, while considering the Government guidelines, this has had an impact on our physical and mental wellbeing.

Engaging the nation in a virtual learning environment

During this difficult time, there is a focus on examining what the future may hold, while focusing on the long-term development into adulthood. The provision of online teaching resources is essential to stay active every day. By the use of Youth Sport Trust, Association for PE, Yorkshire Sport Foundation and other national sport organisations, they have a key role in keeping children and young people active during this time. The Association for PE #ThisIsPE resource aims to educate parents on staying active at home by simply using online technology to watch a short video that demonstrates PE can actually be interactive, fun and enjoyable. The #ThisIsPE resource provides short online videos to engage children, young people and even the whole family in physical activity with a focus on the national curriculum. This allows parents to feel more comfortable to teach PE at home with the use of online resources including webinars, videos and many more.

Supporting the nation's favourite PE teacher

A massive thank you to Joe Wicks who has been helping children and young people keep fit during this difficult time. This began from Monday 23 March and committed to getting the nation active every day. The videos commence weekdays from 9am with a range of physical activities you can do in your home. These went down a storm with many children and young people across the world who have been encouraged to get their trainers on, and to message their friends and relatives to get active. Physical activity provides the importance for a healthy active lifestyle to promote positive wellbeing.

Taking pride to progress to the next step

As of 1 June, many primary schools opened their gates for more children to return to school. However, it is important to follow the Department for Education guidelines with restrictions on the number of children back at a time. This allows primary schools to check up on their wellbeing and education developments. This allows children to go back to school based on their circumstances, including critical key workers, children in nursery and reception, and selected children in year 1 to year 6. Each step forward is progress to the new normal back into education. The importance of engaging in physical activity while maintaining social contact and a good hygiene regime can be done by embracing the Government’s guidance into the PE environment with facility risk assessments, regular cleaning regimes, plans for reduced numbers, staggered start and finish times, and staggered social times. It is important to consider that teaching PE will not be the same as before by encouraging a purposeful PE to thrive for long term development. This can also be done by implementing these guidelines into teaching PE, including selection of low risk activities, planning appropriate activities while social distancing, and being adaptable during this time with the support of Association for PE.

A massive thank you to everyone for keeping the nation active during this difficult time.