MSc Project Management
Aligned to the Association for Project Management, this professional course will help you take your career to the next level, by studying methodologies, techniques and processes of project management.
Develop the knowledge, tools and techniques to accelerate your career into senior management with this innovative apprenticeship, building on your existing experience and professional specialities – and even incorporating the high-level learning and internationally recognised value of an MBA in an apprenticeship format.
Learn how to influence strategy, embrace innovation and maximise the impact of your decisions. And explore the decision-making process itself, improving not just your self-awareness and understanding but also the quality of your own management decisions – and develop ways to communicate with and motivate staff in line with your objectives, helping create a culture that’s adaptive, collaborative and highly effective.
The course also allows you to fit your studies around your existing work through weekend tuition – and gives you essential management tools you can adapt to your chosen industry or organisation.
Supported by tutors and academic mentors to develop your leadership and enable impactful application of your learning, you will explore the interconnections of management and business, developing a holistic, strategic direction which will benefit both you and your organisation.
Contact the apprenticeships team
Email:ÂApprenticeships can add value at all levels of your business:
Here's what a higher or degree apprenticeship can offer you:
On completing the apprenticeship you will be well placed to progress your career into senior and leadership roles within your current or other organisations, taking on senior management responsibility, including formal governance/director responsibilities. You will have the skills to deliver direction and vision, providing a clear sense of purpose and driving strategic intent as a leader, senior manager, or member of the c-suite.
This course is relevant across business and a wide range of industries, for senior managers aspiring to further their careers at the highest level and define strategy and direction for their organisations.
Our vibrant campus brings state-of-the-art facilities to enhance your learning and elevate your student experience. Our award-winning teaching building, The Spark is centred around students and offers a stimulating study environment with flexible learning spaces.
Away from studying, why not try out the gyms, fitness studios and sports halls in our £28 million Sports Complex, or watch a blockbuster film at our student-run cinema with Dolby Atmos audio.
All academics on this programme have extensive experience at senior level in industry – bringing their real-world experience to bear in guiding apprentices to realise their potential.
The University cannot guarantee any particular members of staff will teach specific aspects of the course in the future, but will endeavour to ensure the teaching team maintains their balance of experience and qualifications.
This module is all about you and how you can be equipped to deliver in a globalised, high-tech and disruptive world as an effective strategic leader!
This module enables leaders to know how to develop and influence an organisation’s strategic direction through development of a meaningful strategy.
The aim of this module is for you to develop an in-depth understanding of how to effectively lead and develop people.
You will start with the context in which a marketing strategy is developed. Then it’s learning to be able to appraise theoretical frameworks and processes which inform the strategy, alongside reflecting on the interrelationship between marketing and the organisation’s strategic aims, along with opportunities and impact of digital marketing, all compounding in considering how to develop a marketing strategy.
In this module you will learn how to be more confident in your understanding of the finance function by understanding the scope, complexity and role of finance within an organisational context.
For this module, apprentices complete a relevant and defined piece of work that has a real business benefit within defined parameters.
Successful apprentices will graduate with a:MBA
Students are assessed through a combination of academic assignments and occupational standards assessments. Coursework assignments can include presentations, essays, exams, case studies, practical assessments, and reflective accounts.
Apprentices area also expected to go through an end-point assessment within three months of completing the course.
Find out moreBusinesses with an annual payroll above £3million will be classed as a levy paying employer and will be able to use funds accrued in their digital apprenticeship service (DAS) account for payment of the training. Please contact us for guidance on fees if you are a non-levy employer which will cover at least 95% of the costs.
The course fees will be covered by your employer.
Optional Costs
While most course costs are covered by your tuition fees, some essential resources and optional extras may need to be paid for separately. For advice on budgeting and managing your money, please contact student.funding@solent.ac.uk.
As an apprentice you'll earn while working and studying towards your degree.
There is no charge to attend graduation, but you will be required to pay for the rental of your academic gown (approximately £45 per graduate, depending on your award). You may also wish to purchase official photography packages, which range in price from £15 to £200+. Graduation is not compulsory, so if you prefer to have your award sent to you, there is no cost. Extra guest tickets will go on sale after results publication and will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. The cost per ticket is currently £15. Please note, we do not guarantee there will be any extra tickets available to purchase.
To study for an apprenticeship, you must be employed and have a contract that will cover the duration of your apprenticeship.
All apprentice applications need to go through apprenticeships@solent.ac.uk in the first instance. Applicants will be expected to provide the following documents during the onboarding process:
Please note: if any certificates are from outside of the UK, you will need to have a Naric Equivalency Statement alongside the certificates.
* Maths and English delivery to achieve Functional Skills Level 2 can be provided for some courses and should be discussed at onboarding stage if you do not have Maths and English certificates at Grade 4/C and above.
To be eligible for an apprenticeship, you must:
An apprenticeship offers a unique blend of work experience and academic study. Candidates on an apprenticeship will work a paid job while simultaneously working towards a relevant qualification in their chosen field.
Apprentices are employees with a contract of employment that must cover the duration of the programme being studied. Apprentices have guaranteed time from their employer to complete their studies, at a minimum of six hours a week, known as off-the-job training hours. The University will provide each apprentice with a tracker to ensure these off the job hours are logged to demonstrate compliance with this funding rule.
Solent offers a diverse range of higher and degree apprenticeships, some of which will include an additional qualification that will be studied within the Apprenticeship Standard, eg: HNC, BA or BSc.
Our apprenticeships give employees the opportunity to upskill in their chosen field or retrain for a new career while working.
Employers will see an increase in knowledge and skills, improved productivity, and a boost in the expertise of the workforce.
Find out moreVisit us on campus and explore Solent University by registering for one of our apprenticeship events.
Come to an open dayAll students at Solent University have access to a range of specialist support services. Whether you are having financial difficulty, need additional help with academic skills or want advice on setting up your own business you'll find that help is always on hand.
Most of our specialist support services are based around the Student Hub, a central space where you can access all the information and support you may need during your time at University. The Student Hub is the first point of contact if you have any queries relating to your course, including questions about your timetable, options, and assessments and extenuating circumstances.
We work in partnership with the University to build a sense of pride and confidence in your Union, University and student experience.
Find out moreAligned to the Association for Project Management, this professional course will help you take your career to the next level, by studying methodologies, techniques and processes of project management.