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One year. 52 Weeks. Let's go.

Offering unbiased, impartial advice to anyone thinking of university or apprenticeship, this weekly series tackles everything you need to know...

Offering unbiased, impartial advice to anyone thinking of university or apprenticeship, this weekly series tackles everything you need to know, when you need to know it - including whether uni’s even the right call for you.

Each week we’ll explore some aspect of career planning, the application process or the uni experience, walking you through step-by-step - along with advice, support, and personal stories from students who’ve already made the leap.

Let's get started

52 Weeks to Go covers the whole year and the whole application process, from September to September and the start of uni. But let’s break it down into three main areas:

Thinking about the future

We’ll look at your options for post-18 study, give strategies for choosing a career and if you do decide that University is for you, provide a 52 weeks student guide to help you through the process.

Applying to uni

We’ll talk you through the application process, explain UCAS and the steps to applying, explore alternative paths like UCAS Extra, Apprenticeships and Clearing, and make sure you have all the information you’ll need to make the right choice.

Going to uni

We’ll offer advice, tips and options, explore what different types of unis might offer in terms of research, real-world experience, sports and societies and other extracurricular activities – and dig into trickier subjects like cost of living, what it’s like going to uni if you’re disabled or neurodivergent, and finding the right accommodation.

Finding time to think

So what’s next?

This week is just a warm-up, so take it easy and settle yourself into the new academic year. But if you’re keen to get started, here are some ideas.

Things you could do

  • Add a bookmark to this page and follow along.
  • Have a think about what you want from life. If you’re in college, what’s next? If you’re not, is there someplace you’re hoping your career will take you? Will qualifications help you get there?
  • Talk to people who’ve gone to uni – older family members, friends, neighbours, people you work with – and ask them to share their experiences. See whether it sounds right for you.

Coming up

Next week we’ll have a think about how you can work out what you want from your life and your career – what your goals are or could be, and what steps can help you make them happen.

In the next few articles after that we’ll take a look at whether university has a place in that plan… and if it does, the process that’ll help you get there.

We hope you’ll join us, or dip in and out as you need. If you have any questions about any part of university life or the application process, you can always get in touch at

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