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Portfolios and interviews

If you need to attend an interview, submit a portfolio, or audition as part of the application process for your course, we've got some some great tips for you!

Depending on the course you’re applying for, you may need to produce a portfolio of work or attend an interview with your chosen university. Course leaders want to see if you have an interest in the subject and have the potential to complete the course – interviews and portfolios help them to do this. You’ll also have the opportunity to have any of your questions answered to help you decide if the university is right for you.

Top tips for university interviews

Be prepared

Do your research. Understand the course/university and what you can bring to the table, as well as what you can get from it. How is it relevant to your aspirations and interests?

Get there early

Aim to arrive with plenty of time to spare, and allow extra time for traffic. You can then use these extra minutes to relax and get ready for the interview.


Have a go at a mock interview with a tutor or your careers advisers - they should be able to get you well prepared! Also, become familiar with your answers without having to learn them off by heart as you could come across as robotic. The interviewer is trying to gain an insight into your personality to make sure that you’re a good fit for their course.

Review your personal statement beforehand

Lots of the questions the interviewers will ask you will relate back to your personal statement. Make sure you know it inside out so you can refer back to sections and provide more detailed information when they ask.

Bring a list of questions

Being prepared with a list of questions not only helps provide you with more detailed information, but also helps the interviewer understand your passion and interest in the subject and university. Example questions for them could include:

  • What’s your favourite part of the course to teach?
  • How long have you been teaching here for, and what do you love about it?
  • Are there any books/articles I should be reading now to help me with the course?

What you might be asked

Most universities will help you prepare for your interview by sending you the questions beforehand. But as we mentioned above, be prepared. We've listed some potential questions below:

  1. Tell me about yourself.
  2. Tell me more about something from your personal statement.
  3. What A-levels/BTEC/other qualifications did you study and why?
  4. Why do you want to study this course?
  5. What interests you about this course?
  6. Why do you want to go to this university?
  7. What are your future career plans?
  8. What achievement are you most proud of?

How to dress for the interview

Make sure you’re presentable for the interview but remember they’re not going to judge you on your outfit choice. Wear something smart-casual that you feel comfortable and confident in, even if the interview is online via Skype or Zoom.


Places on music and performance courses are often very competitive and auditions are held to ensure students are right for the course.

Auditions could involve preparing monologues to recite, as well as musical performances. Each university will have different audition methods and will send you full details beforehand. Remember the following when it comes to your audition day:

  • Prepare in advance – to help reduce nerves.
  • Have fun and enjoy yourself – it’ll really help your talent and passion to shine through.
  • Be yourself – showcasing your ability, confidence and commitment to the subject.


Creative courses often ask to see a portfolio as part of the application process which is the perfect opportunity to showcase your personality and creative talent.

We’ve included some portfolio tips below to help you prepare:

  • Remember to show the whole creative process, from initial thought to completion – even unfinished work says something and can be just as useful as a finished piece.

Tailor your portfolio to the course you’re applying for. Course tutors have a limited amount of time to go through each portfolio - showcase your best work so it stands out.

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