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A campus visit opportunity for those choosing their GCSE options.

Monday 15th January 2024
Various days throughout the week, see below
Solent University, Southampton

Solent University and the University of Southampton Widening Participation teams are pleased to announce the return of a series of campus visits from Monday 15 January – Friday 19 January 2024.

These events are for state school students from disadvantaged backgrounds and underrepresented groups in higher education, who are about to go through the process of choosing their GCSE options. 

The aims of the day centre around learners understanding how the choices they make link to future education and careers pathways, alongside experiencing two university campuses and meeting current students who will explain their journey from Key Stage 4 to higher education.

The day runs from 9:15am-3:00pm.

Schools will start their day at one institution, receiving a welcome talk, “Student Story”, workshop and campus tour before crossing the city to spend the afternoon at the other institution. Here they will explore the other campus, take part in another workshop, hear from more students and have a wrap-up of the day.

Across both workshops, learners will understand how to make appropriate choices for their Key Stage 4 study while looking forward to further and higher education and employability.

Schools may bring 25 or 50 learners and we will support the cost of travel as follows:

  • For schools within an 8 mile radius of SO14 0YN we will provide £250 for a group of 25 learners and £500 for a group of 50 learners.
  • For schools beyond an 8 mile radius of SO14 0YN we will provide £300 for a group of 25 learners and £600 for a group of 50 learners. 

Lunch is not provided so all attendees should bring a packed lunch. Both universities will also expect schools to support data collection for evaluation purposes.

Southampton schools have priority for bookings – on a first-come, first-served basis – until Friday 29 September, after which date we will open up remaining spaces to partner schools outside of the city.

How do I book?

Please book on this form indicating your preferred day. 

For more information please email