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Tune in to Unity 101's Community Hour on 9 November 2022 and listen to Solent University's very own Geeta Uppal.

Wednesday 9th November 2022
15:00 - 16:00
Online event
Listen now

As official partner of local radio station Unity 101, Solent University’s very own Geeta Uppal, Senior Access and Widening Participation Officer, will be presenting Community Hour.

During the show we will explore the careers and employability support available at Solent University with Solent Futures. 

Our guests on the show include:

  • Liz Wright, Employer Projects Coordinator, Solent University


Tune in live from 3pm for the show

Unable to listen live? You'll find the recording and previous shows on the Unity 101 website.

Event location

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  • Online event
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