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Clearing 2024 is now open

Ted Jennings

Studied:BA (Hons) Illustration

What have you enjoyed most about your time at Solent?

I feel that my final year on the illustration course has been my most enjoyable time at Solent. From day one, the course challenged my ways of working, exposing me to new processes and building me up as an artist.

The third year is where all of this important work culminated and I was allowed to make whatever I liked and follow my own briefs. The freedom, as well as the challenge, of this was really stimulating as a creative, as I was left to my own devices to solve my own problems and really delve into the way I like to work and things I enjoy illustrating.

What’s next for you?

I feel I’m currently in a great position in regards to the future, simply due to the sheer amount of good options I have moving forward, including freelancing or going on to do an MA in either illustration or visual communication.

I’ve often thought about trying to find a career in design as it has become a great passion of mine throughout university. I was also lucky enough to go on work placement with Egmont Publishing in April which gave me lots of insight into being a designer on a day-to-day basis.

Ted Jennings

The placement really opened my eyes to areas of the industry that I previously thought were closed to me, as well as professional industry standards and practices, all of which I feel is great knowledge to have as a graduate.

What advice would you share with future illustration students?

My advice to a new student would be to definitely be open to new methods of working – even ones you don’t immediately like the look of. Before studying at Solent I only worked with pens and pencil, but since exploring digital methods and print-making, I feel I’ve developed my very own way of working. Try everything out while you can – it might just change your whole outlook on art.

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    Course Studied

  • BA (Hons) Illustration

    Turn the art of your imagination into crafted illustrations and build your portfolio using dedicated multi-media facilities and art studios.

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  • BA (Hons) Graphic Design

    Carve out your career in design across print and digital platforms. Solent gives you freedom to explore your craft in dedicated design studios.

  • BA (Hons) Photography

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