The Next Step 10
Wed 19 March
Associate Professor at Southampton Solent University, Dr Donna Peberdy, is chairing a panel event exploring gender-based violence in film.
City Eye's Southampton Film Week returns this November, inviting staff, students and members of the public to attend a variety of events and screenings.
As part of this year's programme, Associate Professor, Dr Donna Peberdy, is hosting 'Screening Sexual Violence', a panel event that invites female filmmakers onto campus to discuss how we understand, represent and tell stories about violence against women and girls.
The event will include the screening of four award-winning short films which form part of this year's 16 Days 16 Films initiative. Programme founder, Johanna von Fischer will be in attendance, alongside directors Alice Johannessen, Ciara Kerr, Rosie Morris and Jo Smyth.
Dr Peberdy has been undertaking a British Academy-funded research project to launch a new educational resource which tackles perceptions of gender-based violence. Attendees of this event will have access to an exclusive preview of this resource, before its launch later this month.
Find out more about the event, and book your free ticket, here.