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Supporting learners from 'working class' communities accessing further and higher education - online professional CPD

Tuesday 22 November 2022 16:30 - 18:00
Online event
Register now

A free online CPD opportunity for all professionals who work with learners from working class communities.

A free online CPD opportunity for professionals who work with learners from 'working class' communities (including teachers, careers advisers and community workers).

Join us at 4.30pm to find out about:

  • The barriers faced and how we can support accessing to further and higher education.
  • The journey to higher education - a students’ perspective.
  • How Solent University is supporting access to higher education (including contextual offers)

Guest speakers and Q&A session panellists include:

  • Ellie Rowley, Fair Access Programme Lead, UCAS
  • Dr Nigel Matthias, Associate Headteacher, Bay House School/Gosport and Fareham MAT
  • Jason Murphy, Stronger Communities Manager, Southampton City Council
  • Debbie House, Head of Admissions, Recruitment and Widening Participation Manager, Solent University

Please book using the 'register now' button, above.

For more information please email

Tuesday 22 November 2022 16:30 - 18:00
Online event
Register now

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