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Award-winning artist, Michael Burton, who has exhibited work at the V&A and MoMA, has been awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Arts by Solent University.

4th October 2021
Art and design

Today (Monday 4 October) Michael was recognised for his achievements in art, design, research, science, and technology in his career following his graduation from Bretton Hall College of the University of Leeds and the Royal College of Art.


Michael Burton in his Honorary Doctorate gown

He has exhibited his work at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, and produced work internationally, including at the V&A, Ars Electronica, the National Museum of China and the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Art.

On the award which applauds his work, he says: ““I’ve had the privilege to be involved with Solent University for over ten years and during that time experience a place full of creativity, critical engagement and innovation. This is particularly important in uncertain times such as these, where Creatives have a vital role in reimagining our world to meet our collective future challenges - none more so than a global climate crisis. Places like Solent are crucial in nurturing creative people who can imagine new possibilities and ways to see ourselves.

“It is a great honour to be recognised with this honorary doctorate which acknowledges a practice that has forged its own path. I wish everyone graduating today the resilience and confidence to help meet these challenges, the ability to adapt with compassion and kindness, and to build communities of change with creativity at their hearts”.

Michael Burton

Michael’s entrepreneurship has led him to become a co-founder and Director of Burton Nitta. This transdisciplinary practice explores how factors such as technology and the climate crisis might transform humans and our future world.

Projects have received awards from the EU’s STARTS Prize and ‘Idea of the Year’ from ARTE TV and have been exhibited in leading institutions globally. Burton Nitta often collaborates with scientists and technologists and are supported by organisations including the Arts Council England, Engineering and Physical Research Council (EPSRC) and the Wellcome Trust. 

 Michael is also a Visiting Professor at Solent University Southampton and a Visiting Lecturer at Central Saint Martins, UAL.