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Solent University’s Faculty of Business, Law and Digital Technologies is keen to partner with organisations interested in working with Postgraduate students, studying on the MSc Applied AI and Data Science course.

9th April 2021
Business and financeComputing and games

The recent growth and developments in AI and data science are bringing significant social, economic, and health benefits to the world in all sectors of life. This brand new postgraduate conversion course has been designed to increase the AI and data science workforce in the UK market with the support of Office for Students (OfS).

Throughout the course, students will have learnt fundamental principles and techniques, and developed the practical skills to apply AI and data science techniques to solve real-world problems.

Dr Drishty D Sobnath, Lecturer in Data Science, Faculty of Business, Law and Digital Technologies says: “After completing their course at Solent, students will be looking for industry work experience in organisations involved in AI and data science, directly or indirectly. Placements would ideally have a flexible working pattern, ranging from three months to one year, to suit the organisation’s needs and the scope of the project.

Placements would provide students with the opportunity to gain valuable work experience and confidence in a professional environment, opening doors to a wide range of careers. In return, industry would benefit from a diverse workforce in AI and data science, without having any long-term commitments.

“Employers also have much to gain from offering work placements to young people, from strengthening links with the local community to allowing staff to gain a fresh perspective from creative young people. In addition, existing staff will have a chance to practice and develop supervision and mentoring skills. Very often, students go on to secure a graduate job within the same industry after their time at the University," continues Dr Sobnath.

Throughout the placement, students would be supported by their relevant course leader at Solent University. The course leader will also hold one to two short meetings with students and their line managers to review their progress.

“If this concept appeals, but the model outline doesn’t quite work for you, we can be flexible, so please get in touch to see if there are adaptions we can put in place.”

To find out more and discuss your requirements email