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The Contemporary Screen Studies research group is designed to be a forum for researchers from a diverse range of backgrounds to share experiences and ideas in ways which will be beneficial for experienced members of staff, early career researchers, and postgraduate students.

Our primary goal is to contribute to the field of screen studies through the cultivation and creation of new knowledge at the forefront of the discipline, evidenced by a range of impacts, experiences, and outputs in both traditional and non-traditional forms.

We define the group as one which identifies as:

  • An interdisciplinary group working in screen studies, a broad field that incorporates film, television and digital media technologies.
  • Based in the School of Film and Television, but made up of colleagues from across the University.
  • Providing a vibrant and welcoming home for researchers and practitioners with an interest in understanding and contributing to the creative industries.

We are comprised of notable scholars and renowned practitioners in the arenas of:

  • Contemporary genre studies: from the superhero film, to science fiction, horror, and crime cinema
  • Sexual cultures
  • Documentary film practice
  • Global conflict cinema
  • Cinematic trauma and identity
  • Agatha Christie studies
  • British film history
  • Post-9/11 American cinema
  • Fiction filmmaking

Publications and outputs

A selection of recent publications and output from members of the Contemporary Screen Studies research group

Postgraduate research opportunities

The Contemporary Screen Studies research group offers supervision for MPhil/PhD’s within the above-mentioned research areas, including creative practice research. We are currently accepting self-funded research students in a range of specialisms, who will be supported by our academic members. If you would like more information about postgraduate research opportunities, please contact please contact Dr Donna Peberdy. More information regarding Solent University's research programme can be found here.

Areas of postgraduate research provision

  • Contemporary genre studies: from the superhero film, to science fiction, horror, and crime cinema
  • Sexual cultures
  • Documentary film practice
  • Global conflict cinema
  • Cinematic trauma and identity
  • Agatha Christie studies
  • British film history
  • Post-9/11 American cinema
  • Fiction filmmaking

Recent PhD project themes

  • Post-9/11 American genre cinema
  • Cinematic trauma in the films of Christopher Nolan
  • British Cinema and the Crown Film Unit: 1940-1952  
  • Environmental documentary and climate change 
  • The BBFC, film classification and censorship 

Our members

Jordan Clark

Denise Clarke

Rebecca Cohen

Kelly Doughty

Pratik Emmanuel

Jon Ferrero

Samuel Flux

Wai Hnin Thi

Christy Ho

Mokbul Khan

Viktoria Kovacs

Richard Latto

Craig Lees

Ciaran Locke

Paul Maple

David Mascord

Elizabeth Morgan

Emma Morrissey

Dmitrij Orlov

Jeevan Pattar

Lewis Rogers

Jill Sainsbury

Aaysha Samrin

Will Swain

Russell Trafford-Jones

Zia Ullah

Jason Whittle

Angela Young

Get in touch

If you're interested in joining the group, please get in touch with Dr Stuart Joy at for more information.

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