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Postgraduate research community

All the Graduate School's postgraduate research students are aligned with (at least) one of our four research themes. This means they are part of the community of active researchers within the University who are working across the spectrum of disciplines encompassed within that theme. As a result, they are included in all that his happening within the community - from seminars to coffee mornings - and can access all its avenues for communication and support.

Doctoral students at Solent are supported by staff from across the University's academic departments and schools, as well as learning and information services. Specialist advisers in the Student Hub also ensure you are fully supported throughout your doctoral studies.

Doctoral students have access to hot-desk working spaces in the doctoral researchers area where IT resources are available, including:

  • the use of a PC,
  • standard software,
  • printing and photocopying.

In addition, the Research Launchpad is an inviting and informal space available to all researchers at the University. This space hosts many of the training sessions. Researchers are welcome to book the launchpad for meetings, planning sessions and workshops, or use it on a drop-in basis (when available) for informal meetings or catching up over lunch.

All Solent's doctoral students are also part of our research communities within the Graduate School and the faculty or school and research theme they are aligned to. This provides them with exciting, dynamic and supportive multi-disciplinary learning environment.