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Georgios Kleitou

BSc (Hons) Software Engineering
Current student

Headshot - Georgios Kleitou, student

Georgios initially studied English Literature in Greece, however it did not speak to him.  He preferred creating programs, websites, algorithms, etc, for the future. He therefore decided he wanted to study computing and enrolled at Solent through the Computing Foundation Year to study BSc (Hons) Software Engineering degree. 

Did you have any concerns about studying a undergraduate course?  

I was concerned about coming from a classics background, however the foundation year helped to prepare me for the degree. 

What’s the best thing about your course lecturers? 

The lecturers are human. They know how to approach you and teach you without you feeling like you know nothing. Some of them provided their personal time to help and answer any questions I had.

Tell us a bit about your experience as an undergraduate student? 

The work/life/study balance was very good, the lectures are precise, to the point and engaging. They are not overwhelming at all, the study will progressively increase, however, such is the nature of this degree.

If someone such as I, from a completely different academic background made it, so can you.

How is Solent preparing you for your career?

Solent has prepared me to have knowledge in both front end, back end and machine learning/data science. This is rare in this field of work.

What’s been your proudest achievement during your studies?

My proudest achievement has been working with a team on creating an actual professional website and working with people in the industry to create a website for them.

Do you have any advice for anyone thinking of studying computing?

If you are thinking of doing this course, do not be intimidated by the learning curve, it will get scary at times, and you might feel like you do not know anything. I assure you, by the third year if you studied, you will be well set.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with us?

If someone such as I, from a completely different academic background made it, so can you.