MBA Global Master of Business Administration
Add value to your organisation with a graduate MBA from Solent. Develop a deeper understanding of business and the challenges facing today's global economy.
Course Leader
Department of Business and Law
Andrëa is a course leader within the Department of Business and Law with a particular interest in student employability skills, PDP, CPD and in blended teaching and learning. She was involved in an HEA ‘working with e-champions to enhance flexible learning’ project. Andrëa is responsible for the non-standard provision within the School, which includes the FdA Business, BA (Hons) Business (Professional Development) Top-up and MSc Management courses, that are delivered by blended learning.
As an e-learning 'champion' within the School, delivering courses via blended learning, Andrëa strives to ensure that the most appropriate VLE tools are used to help students achieve unit learning outcomes and personal development goals. Andrëa is passionate about ensuring the student experience is of a high professional standard and not compromised whilst students are not on campus.
Andrëa's qualifications include an MA in business studies, a postgraduate certificate in learner support and administration in HE, and a BA (Hons) in politics with sociology. Andrëa is also a certified PRINCE2® practitioner.
Andrëa has worked in the public and private sectors with a keen interest in social enterprise.
Add value to your organisation with a graduate MBA from Solent. Develop a deeper understanding of business and the challenges facing today's global economy.
Created specifically for the retail and property industry, this de facto entry level qualification has been developed in conjunction with industry experts and the Revo Educational Trust.