BA (Hons) Social Work
Make a positive change and pursue a fulfilling career in social work: on this degree you will gain the knowledge and practical experience key to making a difference to the lives of vulnerable people.
Senior Lecturer
Department of Social Sciences and Nursing
Colin is the longest serving member of the social work academic team having previously undertaken the role of practice learning coordinator and qualified practice teacher on both sides of the social work educational process (within a HEI role and within a local authority (placement provider) role).
He has practice experience within both the statutory and voluntary sectors with particular practice interests relating to the support of older people within the community; working with people who adopt challenging forms of communication; advocacy; and a particular passion for the development of integrated, work-based learning.
Colin’s academic interests relate to the assessment and delivery of effective practice-based curricula alongside the consideration of Continuous Professional Development within the helping professions - in particular social work.
Colin’s teaching commitments are centred upon the practice-learning elements of the degree course and the provision and development of effective partnerships with placement providers throughout the South East Region (levels 5 and 6). He also leads on the undertaking of volunteering opportunities with Level 4 students and the Readiness for Direct Practice Unit in Level 4. Colin’s wider teaching commitments relate to the delivery of a CPD stand-alone master's Level course for social work practice educators across the South East Region.
Colin has gained an MA Professional Studies (Solent University, BA (Hons) Applied Health and Social Care Studies (Portsmouth University), BSc (Hons) Combined Honours Sociology (Plymouth University), RNLD and DipSW (Portsmouth University), PQSW (Bournemouth University, and Practice Teacher Award (Portsmouth University).
As a senior lecturer in social work and practice learning coordinator, Colin delivers the following:
Make a positive change and pursue a fulfilling career in social work: on this degree you will gain the knowledge and practical experience key to making a difference to the lives of vulnerable people.