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BEng (Hons) Yacht Design and Production - Yacht race 2024 transcript

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Today is one of the the biggest events of the course really - the final event of the year it's a model yacht race and it's a tradition that has been going on for many years now. We we all had to build a model yacht based on a pre-existing kit, which is quite simple really and we did the rigging, the keel design and the rudder design.
Soft music starts, followed by talking over the top, accompanied by a montage of images of students racing their baots on the boating pod, as well as cuts to the student being interviewed, 'Sonny' who is studying BEng Yacht Design and Production
This event really embraces all of what the first year have learned, during the year. Obviously we do yacht design but they have to understand about stability, the boat also has to stay in one piece so they understand a little bit about structures.
Interview with Giles Barkley, Course Leader. Interviewed also with cutaways to video of students showing their designs and also of them saulingon them on the water.
We were given like a plywood kit and we had to assemble the wood hull and then we were like allowed to paint it, and cut the sails, put the sails on and then, was ready for the race.
Interview with student Gaia also showing the students racing the yachts.
The designs they've actually made have been designed by software which is used in industry, so they're beginning to use industrial based programs such as AutoCAD and Maxsurf which they can then, use that in in the real world once they actually get working.
Interview with Giles.
These concepts can be scaled up to bigger vessels, in this case to bigger sailing yachts and this ties on to the first part of the of the assignment that we did this year, which was to design a theoretical sailing yacht and through those lectures we learned how to sail a theoretical sailing model yacht.
Interview with Sonny.
It was really a dream like, I felt like as a proper designer for the first time in my life. The fact that you can sail with your friends and see what they done in the last month is really cool and is a friendly way to to sail all together.
Interview with Giavanni
This is their one chance where they can actually see a boat which they have designed in reality. Then of course obviously they got to learn about sailing - a boat has to be balanced correctly so it goes in a straight line, so this is the practical sailing experience and the way you really learn most about that, is to actually bring a design to the water, set it up, so you know after after the first year of being with us they've got a lot of useful skills and they're actually seeing the result of those skills in in the real sense of actually seeing a boat sailing.
Interview with Giles
So far it is the best course in the world. I'm Italian and when I was looking for something, like yacht design courses, I did a bit of research and Solent is definitely the best one in the world. From the first month we are like, all already put into the building yacht experiences - you don't waste any time.
Interview with Gaia
It's yacht design with a focus on production techniques, this is for me, it's one of the most interesting courses out here, because it gives you an appreciation of what really goes on in the yachting industries, both in the motor yacht and in the sailing yacht industry and once you get your degree out of this course, it prepares you for actual work, which is quite a positive aspect I think.
Interview with Sonny
With our particular course we have some dedicated facilities which the students can use, which we obviously have a very strong alumni, we've been running yacht design courses for 55 years, so that means that a lot of our previous graduates who are now working maybe in very senior positions, actually come back to us year after year, asking for more graduates to actually join their companies and what have you. So, it is a very strong course in terms of preparing graduates who have a love of boats for the industry and the good news is that graduates get jobs all over the world based on what they've learned and they are highly sought after.
Interview with Giles
3:39:21 - 3:45
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