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Should I study postgraduate? transcript

Audio description
Do it it's really good fun it's very, very hard work but it's a year or two years for your life where you can indulge in what you want to indulge in and learn new skills and just thoroughly enjoy yourself really.
A Solent graduate is talking to the camera in front of Southampton Guildhall. She is wearing a graduation gown and there are lots of people milling around in the background.
If you're hesitant just go and do it. I learned a lot it - was invaluable skills, from researching to academic writing and just really learning new things.
Cuts to another Solent graduate talking to the camera. She is also wearing a graduation gown and standing in front of the Guildhall.
It's not easy you know. You have to be prepared to put the work in but if you're prepared to do that then I would definitely recommend it to anyone. It's been fantastic - I really enjoyed doing it.
Cuts to a male graduate talking to camera standing in front of the Guildhall.
When I was here I did not know what I wanted but with the professors, they guided us and they showed us how to find the part of that makes sense to get where we want to be.
Another graduate is talking to the camera in front of the guildhall. She is wearing her graduation gown.
So the combination of theory and a practical part of it is something that I really learned a lot and it's a it's a great self-reflection on my work.
A graduate is talking to camera and standing inside a marquee.
You learn the academic grounding and the the basis for a lot of why we do what we do. It was fantastic - it gave me a really good theoretical grounding in the job that I do and a lot of the, you know, the academic study around that discipline. So it's been really helpful in that regard.
Cuts back to the male graduate talking to camera.
Because I didn't have my master's degree to get into our top companies, so I thought I had work experience practical experience and now this course, a degree is the combination that is going to really help me getting into a bigger companies and aspiring typical level positions.
Cuts back to the female graduate talking in the marquee.
There's a 20 to 21 year gap between my BA and my MA, so I was slightly worried about my capacity to study but in actual fact, what I found I was a much better student this time around. It was an advantage, an advantage in the end.
Cuts to the male graduate standing in front of the Guildhall.
This was my first International experience so I was very scared if I would be able to fit in the environment, but I think Southampton did great it's very culturally inclusive.
Cuts to the female graduate talking to the camera outside the Guildhall
The University made you feel like you are at home and it's, like, really great that they take care of you. It was a great decision for me to come here and to get a degree from a great University.
Cuts to a male graduate talking to camera inside a marquee.
You get to gain so perspective. I mean, I feel like I've grown so much. I was not this confident before - now I feel I can achieve so many things because I've just done a postgraduate. So, yay!
Cuts to the female graduate talking to the camera outside the Guildhall.
Music plays.
Solent's brand graphic. A red wave made of multiple thin strips appears from left of screen, rippling across left to right, before curving back across the camera and filling the screen with red. The red shrinks down to the Solent logo in centre screen: a red circle with white text reading Solent University, Southampton.