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Why study BA (Hons) Acting and Performance transcript

Why study BA (Hons) Acting and Performance
Audio description
00:00 - 0:14:22
Music in the background whilst a video montage shows students taking part in activities acting and performance course at Solent, including dancem acting, in a practice space and on stafe with scripts.
0:14:22 - 0:45:22
We really are a very creative course. We really encourage a friendly supportive atmosphere for our students. We have, a kind of, range of actor training - acting for both on stage and on screen. Modules on the theory aspects, so looking at practitioners and theater practice and film practice, and also classes in voice and singing, and in movement and physical theater. So it's a really broad range of modules that we cover on the course.
Annie Sanger-Davies, Course Leader talks to the camera, whilst cutaways show students acting on camera and dancing on stage
0:45:22 - 1:07:24
A key experience that I think I really value is getting able to perform in a Shakespeare play because going into industry after graduation, it isn't necessarily something that a lot of people in the industry will have experience of, so I really do value the fact that we are taught styles from all sorts of different aspects of the industry especially Shakespeare which is really really cool.
Student, Lucy, talks to the camera, whilst cutaways show her acting on a stage.
1:07:24 - 1:37:05
What I like about my course is that I'm finally learning about things that I've wanted to learn about for ages, such as, puppetry or mask work or even learning how to do lifts in theater. It's all stuff I've read about or seen in shows and I've always wanted to do and finally I can sit down and pick up a puppet and create a small little scene, put on a mask and pretend I'm picking up a flower and smelling it. It's so much fun to finally do these things I've been wanting to do for years.
Student, Max, talk to the camera whilst cutaways show them practsing on stge with other course mates.
1:37:05 - 1:49:02
One of the things that we think is key to develop people's performance skills and applied skills, is for students to feel confident and so for their confidence to be able to grow their practice and grow their work.
Course Leader, Annie talks to camera.
1:49:02 - 2:02:10
It's been a very supportive experience. The lecturers are amazing and I feel like I can go to them for anything, any problem, they always listen, always there to help and they always say to reach out to them if we need them.
Student, Olas, talks to camera.
2:02:10 - 2:30:06
The support at solent is really, really inclusive it's really good. There's lots of sort of, mental health support for anything that you might need and on this course specifically, everyone is so close-nit that you really do feel like if you have any sort of problem or question or concern you can go to anyone. And it feels like such a safe space for you to be able to raise any concerns that you have and you really do feel like you're listened to, which is really, really good.
Student, lucy talks to camera.
2:30:06 - 2:47:22
What I really like about this course specific to this uni, is the fact that it's very industry based and I think it does a really good job of equipping you for the industry. Once you leave it kind of shows you what to expect and you get to learn under people who have been in the industry and have that experience.
Student George, talks to camera.
2:47:22 - 3:22:18
In the third year we also have modules that cover getting ready for the industry. So, we have a portfolio module that helps people prepare themselves, get their C.V's together, their voice reels together, their show reels together, so that they're ready to go out into the industry should they want to. But we also in the third year, have a range of option modules, so students are able to kind of take slightly different pathways. So, we have an option module in directing, in performing arts and education, music theater and also in stage combat - so there's a really nice broad range that our students can try out whilst they're with us at Solent.
Course Leader, Annie talks to camera, whilst cutaways show students performing on stage and in front of film cameras.
3:22:18 - 3:37:12
I really enjoy, when we get to do improv scenes in front of the VP screen. You know, you've got this giant VP screen and you can put pictures on the background and we can just have fun, makeup scenes, and yeah - that that to me is is really good.
Studen, Olas, talks to camera, whilst cutaways show student acting on the Virtual Production stage.
3:37:12 - 3:49:09
The students at all three levels have modules where they are not only being directed in work but they're also putting together work. Which means that they have more options open to them when they go out into the industry.
Course Leader, Annie, talks to camera.
3:49:09 - 4:05:14
The things I enjoy about my course are the levels of collaboration with everyone. So you get a chance to work with everyone that's on your course, which is really, really fun. You get to meet all sorts of different people, from different backgrounds, with different experiences to you, so it's a really good level of collaboration.
Student, Lucy, talks to camera.
4:05:14 - 4:29:09
It's prepared me in such a way, that I have gained so much knowledge and experience, and ways of acting, and how to to do it - just in general you know - that I feel like I could go anywhere and be a good actor. And that's in plays film, TV - you learn it all here.
Student, Olas, talks to camera.
4:29:09 - 4:34:01
Olas fades to white, and animated Solent University lgo and red wave appear on the screen. Also shows the university web address,