Enhancing the postgraduate experience at Solent
Postgraduate study is an opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge and immerse themselves in a subject they love, and many choose to do it at Solent because of the professionally rich and vibrant learning community found here.Â
And what makes this such a great environment for postgraduate research?
It’s all about the people: what they know, what they do, and how they do it.Â
Building a learning community is not something that happens by chance. It comes about when people want to share what they know in a supportive, trusting environment, working towards a common aim. It's not a small thing, and it's not something that can be artificially driven; the conditions must be right.
At Solent, those conditions are made up of the key ingredients of opportunity, ambition, and mutual regard.Â
Our courses are as up to date as they can be in terms of knowledge and teaching, and they embrace real world learning, offering students live briefs with industry partners, lecturers who are immersed in that industry, and great opportunities to develop employability.
The focus on professional development allows for exciting, practical courses underpinned by theory, that sets students firmly on track to achieve their career goals.
Finally, and in many ways perhaps most importantly, our hugely passionate teaching teams build brilliant and effective relationships with students. Postgraduate course teams are often quite small, and usually the cohorts are too, so there’s plenty of clear and regular communication of people working in partnership and sharing their love of the subject.Â
As numbers increase, we have a real opportunity to create a thriving community of practice. We can all share our knowledge, skills and resources to improve the postgraduate experience at Solent.