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'Reflection of silence' at Turner Sims Concert Hall

27 February 2016

The Solent Live Event Society took charge of a gig at the Turner Sims Concert Hall on the University of Southampton’s campus last week, setting up and running both the sound and the lighting for the event.

Students and members of the Live Event Society Ciaron Harty, Ben Akers, Andréas Failler, and Karan Malik worked the event, providing both the PA system and mixing desk, setting up the microphones for the instruments, mixing the sound, and controlling the lighting. Solent’s new Midas M32 mixing desk was used, along with recently purchased Yamaha DXR15 and DXS18 PA speakers.

The event was put on for a new musical collaboration between artists Mehdi Rostami (setar), Hossein Alishapour (vocal), Adib Rostami (tombak), and Tara Jaff (harp, vocal) entitled “Reflection of Silence”. The group played through a range of Iranian and Kurdish music, improvising and re-interpreting ancient pieces for the modern listener.

See the video below for a time lapse of the setup: