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Commuter student life

More and more students are choosing to stay local and commute instead. If you're one of them, you’re part of a growing group of ‘commuter students’.

Commuting as a student

For a lot of students, uni life means moving away from home—but that’s not the only option! More and more students are choosing to stay local and commute instead. If you're one of them, you’re part of a growing group of ‘commuter students’.

You may have lots of reasons to choose to live at home and commute to university, from having family commitments, wanting to keep a job, for financial reasons, maintaining a support network, or being a mature student.

Living at home and commuting doesn’t mean you will miss out on everything uni has to offer. Many students can blend both home and university to make a choice that works for them. You don’t need to feel pressure into making a big commitment to move into halls or uni accommodation.

Make the most of the commute

Of course, if you are commuting, you do need to think about the distance. If you find a place at a university that is quite far, you will need to consider the time it will take to travel - whether you choose to drive or use public transport. You don’t want to create too much pressure on yourself as you’ll also need time to work on assignments and unwind after a long day of lectures.

You’ll also need to be organised and know what your travel options are, to make sure you can get to your lectures on time and miss the rush hour. And, if you decide to stay late at uni, or socialise after class, make sure you have ways to get home safely too.

Travel budget

Many students choose to live at home to help their budget go further. Living at home can help alleviate the pressure of rent and bills, but you’ll need to factor in what your cost of travel is. If you're driving, try to work out how much petrol could cost and of course parking charges, as it can all add up.

Travelling by public transport is better for the environment and can be less stressful, as you can take time out to listen to your favourite podcast or catch up on your class reading during your journey. Make sure you find out what benefits you can get as a student to help make your travel cheaper. There are railcards for most students which offer a third off, or you can buy a week or month of travel to get a cheaper rate. Think about what holiday breaks you have though, as you don’t want to pay for a month of travel you won’t use! You’ll need to look up specific bus companies in your local area to find out what student travel cards are offered, or even ferry if travelling over water.

Socialising - making the most of uni life

One of the common misconceptions about living at home rather than staying in halls or student accommodation, is that you miss out on the social side of uni - but this is not true. For many students, living away from home is a great option, but for others, they’d like the best of both worlds.

Getting social at uni is a great way to make friends, try new things, and make the most of your experience. You’ll meet lots of new people on your course, but it doesn’t just have to stop there! You can also meet like-minded people in clubs and societies. You could also join a sports team, which can easily help to fill up your social calendar! Check out our article on the benefits of joining clubs. You could also get part-time work with other students on campus, perhaps in the student union or as an ambassador.

Changed your mind? You've got options!

Just because you start uni one way doesn’t mean you have to stick with it. Most contracts for student halls only last for the first year, so if you decide commuting suits you better, you’re not locked in. And if you change your mind, moving out of home in your second year is always an option, as you could link up with friends looking to house-share. Plus, many university cities offer private student accommodation, giving you even more flexibility to find a set up that works for you.

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