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UCAS Extra opens!

This week, we explain what UCAS Extra is and how it could give you the opportunity to apply for different universities.

Have you applied for university but want to apply for more? Spotted a different degree you'd like to study? Maybe you've been unsuccessful in your applications and you're in a bit of a pickle... UCAS Extra can fix all of this for you.

UCAS Extra is another chance for you to apply for a place at university, Extra is essentially that - an extra option. Running between 26 February and 4 July - you'll have the opportunity to make one extra choice at a time.

You can apply for Extra if you have not been made any offers, if you've changed your mind, or if you’ve declined them all. It will simply show up on your UCAS Track and you can add your extra option there. And it's free.

How do I use it?

It's super simple. So simple in fact, UCAS has a helpful four (and a bit) step chart to help you understand the Extra process:

An easy to use UCAS Extra flow chart

Can I use it?

Well, it will automatically show up on your UCAS Track if you are eligible, so you'll know right away. You will however need to have already applied to university through UCAS and have used all your five choices. (If you haven't used all five, you can add an extra one in Track.)

If you haven’t applied for university but still want to, get your application in ASAP and you'll automatically go through Clearing. Here are some useful links to help you with your application:

Writing a personal statement

Registering with UCAS

What if I was unsuccessful in my original choices?

If you were unsuccessful, maybe have a think as to why. If your predicted grades don’t meet the entry requirements needed for the course, perhaps consider applying for a foundation year or an alternative to a degree. We mentioned all the different degree types in a previous week.

It could just be that the course you chose is in high demand, so see how you feel. You can look for something similar or even go for something completely different. There's lots of support and advice around to help you decide, such as our guides on choosing the right course for you, and choosing a career based on lifestyle. So don't panic, you've got loads of help if you should need it.

Any other advice?

With your extra choice, don't forget to research the course you'd like to select. Make sure it’s the right choice for you.

When making your extra choice, feel free to call your chosen university to:

  • Find out whether there are still places (you can only submit one choice at a time).
  • Get more information about the course.
  • Check if you'll meet the entry requirements. Sometimes universities will accept you on a course based on any experience you have rather than your grades.

As a side note, you will not be able to change your personal statement when you add in your extra choice, so give it another proof-read and make sure you're not saying anything that doesn't support what you're applying to study. If you’re applying for a maths degree, you don't want to be saying that maths isn’t your strongest subject in your statement.

If you’re unsuccessful in applying through UCAS Extra, don’t worry, there’s still a chance for you to get a place through Clearing, which we'll be exploring later.

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