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Clearing 2024 is now open

Gabriel Doodo Sagoe

Job title:Current student

Studied:BSc (Hons) Business Management with Finance

The BSc (Hons) Business Management with Finance at Solent is for you if…

you are interested in working in financial services or managing a firm or want to pursue a career in finance.

You also like learning about economics and business processes as the course gives you a thorough understanding of financial markets, economic theory, financial analysis, corporate finance, and other relevant areas.

This degree can make you a better manager or financial service provider. Additionally, it aids in the development of a solid accounting foundation, which is crucial for every successful business manager.

What’s the best thing about your course lecturers?

The best thing about my lecturers, apart from their professional experience and connections, is the fact that they are very approachable. It fosters a culture of trust and cooperation between them and the students, which enables us to ask questions and get assistance and guidance anytime we require it.

Headshot of Gabriel Doodo Sagoe

I’ll have the knowledge and abilities needed to succeed in the professional world once I graduate from uni thanks to all the experiences I got at Solent.

What do you like best about being a Solent student?

The abundance of chances available to students. There are so many opportunities to learn and cooperate in your industry, whether you like to study in a traditional classroom setting, watch lectures online, or take part in paid internships. The university also offers a thriving campus life with numerous student organisations, clubs, and organisations, as well as year-round events and activities.

What do you think you’re going to take away from your time at Solent?

Through the lectures, seminars, and extracurricular events I have taken part in, I have formed many wonderful friendships. I have also gained a lot of knowledge about the several job routes that my degree can lead to and have found a wide range of new opportunities to pursue.

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    Course Studied

  • BSc (Hons) Business Management with Finance

    Become a business innovator and gain financial expertise. With Solent awarded Outstanding Higher Education Provider of the year, this CMI accredited degree prepares you for rewarding career.

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