Southampton Solent University celebrates city roots with new name
Solent University has changed its name to Southampton Solent University in order to reflect the city it is a vital part of.
24 September 20245 February 2019
Thursday 7 February is Time to Talk Day 2019, part of an annual campaign that opens up conversations on mental health nationwide.
To mark the occasion, the Solent Wellbees – a group of student volunteers dedicated to improving the mental health and wellbeing of other students – will be occupying a stall at the Refreshers’ Fayre, outlining various methods we can all use to maintain a healthy mental and physical wellbeing.
For various reasons, many people can shy away from the conversation of mental health. Time to Talk Day aims to get people challenging the stigma by opening up conversations on the subject.
There are many ways in which we can be aware of improving our own mental health: maintaining strong self-care practices, taking time out from our busy schedules, and being healthy and active.
One of the positive methods the Wellbees use to strike up a conversation about mental health is to ask ‘Myth or fact?’ Which of the below statements do you think is a myth, and which are facts? The answers will be at the bottom of the page.
If you, or someone else you know, are struggling with your mental health and/or wellbeing, Time to Talk Day is a great way to support yourself or your friends. However you do it, have a conversation about mental health.
For more support or information on all the services available to you during your time here at Solent, contact the Student Hub. If you’d like more information on the Wellbees, please email
Answers: fact, fact, myth, fact, myth