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Applying for a research degree

Our research degrees

Research degrees are advanced postgraduate programmes that involve independent research, supported by academic supervisors, that make an original contribution to knowledge or practice. We offer three degrees, as outlined below.


Research degree awards offered by Solent University are:

  • Master of Research (MRes)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (MPhil/PhD)
    • a student starts as an MPhil candidate; there is a transfer milestone at the mid-point to when potential for candidature for PhD is reviewed*
    • Doctor of Philosophy by Prior Publication (PhD)
      • Available only to employees of Solent University on a part-time mode basis

* NB: successful completion of the transfer milestone does not confer an MPhil qualification which is a separate examination process.

Find out more about the doctoral research student journey at Solent University


Applicants to the MPhil/PhD or MRes apply for one of the following modes of study:

  • Full-time (equivalent to 35 hpw)
  • Part-time (equivalent to 17.5 hpw)

The University welcomes applications from international students who wish to study in the UK.

Find out more about support available to international students

Find out more about research areas at Solent University

How to apply

The information here will help you complete your application. Please select the award and mode that applies to you and refer to when to apply, below, for application deadlines.

You can apply to study for the research degree routes MPhil/PhD or MRes on either a full-time or part-time basis.


Apply for MPhil/PhD full-time

Apply for MPhil/PhD part-time


Apply for MRes full-time

Apply for MRes part-time

PhD by prior publication

Apply for PhD by prior publication

Application FAQs

If you have a research project in mind and wish to make an informal enquiry about developing it into a PhD proposal, you can contact staff in the relevant area or one of our doctoral coordinators.

Application process enquiries

General enquiries about completing the research degree application process at Solent University can be directed to:

Tel: 023 8201 3207