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Southampton Solent University logo



Measuring our success

To succeed in our Mission and deliver on our Vision, we must hold ourselves accountable to the goals we have set.

We are committed to reporting annually on our University-wide key performance indicators, ensuring we keep track of our progress, and continue to drive improvements in key areas.

Arising from this Strategy, the following 13 KPIs will be reported to the Board of Governors.

Key strategic priorities
2025 target
Student success
Percentage of graduates in highly skilled employment or further study
Positive impact on the community
Recognition for Solent’s community impact work through external award programmes
Silver watermark NCCPE and university of sanctuary status.
Research and knowledge exchange
Research and knowledge exchange income (grants and contracts) received as a % of total income
0.8% of total income
Further measures of success
2025 target
Financial sustainability
Adjusted Net Operating Cashflow as a percentage of income
Rolling three-year average of c. 10-12%
Environmental sustainability
The Times Higher Education Impact Rankings
Top third of rankings
Student success (Recruitment)
Undergraduate market share
Student success (Recognition for teaching excellence)
The Teaching Excellence Framework
>50% of subjects achieving a gold award
Student success (University reputation)
Guardian League Table ranking
Top 50% by 2023 then review
People experience (Beacon for student and staff health and wellbeing)
Student Minds Mental Health Charter Award / UUK Step Change Framework on Mentally Healthy Universities
Highest award possible (student charter award). Full alignment with the framework (staff)
People experience (Students)
National Student Survey average score across all questions (excluding SU)
85% or greater
People experience (Staff)
Staff satisfaction survey 'Overall I am happy working at Solent'
Agreement score of greater than 70%
People experience (Equality of opportunity)
BAME attainment gap
People experience (Equality of opportunity)
Gender pay gap