All students here at Solent University have access to a range of specialist support services. Whether you are having financial difficulty, need additional help with academic skills or want advice on setting up your own business - you'll find that help is always on hand.
Student Protection Plan
Solent University and Solent Students’ Union have worked together on the Student Protect Plan, approved by the Office for Students (OfS). The plan outlines how our students are protected should there be any risks to the continuation of study or any changes made to courses and how students will be informed.
Read the Solent University Student Protection Plan
Student Hub
Most of our specialist support services are based around the Student Hub, a central space where you can access all of the information and support you may need during your time at University. The Student Hub is the first point of contact if you have any queries relating to your course, including questions about your timetable, options, and assessments and extenuating circumstances.
The Student Hub can also provide these official documents:
- To whom it may concern letters.
- Council tax exemption certificates.
- Bank letters.
- Replacement campus cards.
- References.
- Policy advice.
You can find the Student Hub in The Spark at our city centre campus, in TS114.
You can contact the Student Hub at, by phone on 023 8201 5200.
Student funding team
The student funding team can offer advice and guidance on all aspects of student finance. This includes money management and budgeting advice, financing your degree and accessing additional financial support.
Academic affairs support
Here, you can access impartial information and advice on using the appropriate university procedures for non-academic complaints or problems relating to university life.
Study skills
Succeed@Solent supports students across the University with study-related matters and helps you to develop the key academic skills required at university level.
Student feedback
Your views matter. They help us to understand what you like about the University, and what we could do to improve in the future. There are lots of different ways to tell us what you think, so if something's bothering you don't stay quiet – speak up and make a difference.
International students
Our international advisers can offer you support with immigration, visas, Home Office regulations and all other aspects of study in the UK.
Careers and employability
Solent Careers can help you to plan your career, offering advice on job seeking, local vacancies, work experience, working abroad and voluntary positions.
Support for entrepreneurs
If you are considering starting your own business while at University, our dedicated enterprise team can offer you a range of essential support services.
Student Charter
The Student Charter sets out what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you.
Our counselling services gives you the opportunity to talk confidentially about your difficulties and concerns with someone who is professionally trained to listen.
Disability support
The Disability Advice Team supports students with a range of learning difficulties or physical impairments.
Safer Solent
The safeguarding team at Solent can work to support you with any safeguarding concerns you may have while at university.
Reporting and support
If you or someone you know has experienced any incident of harmful behaviour, we encourage you to report it confidentially so that we can offer support.
Support for armed service leavers
Those who have left the armed forces or are a part of the wider armed forces community can access a range of support while here at Solent.
Mature students
One in every five students at Solent University fall into this category, and we pride ourselves on making them feel supported.
Care leavers
If you've spent time in local authority care, there are a range of support services and financial support schemes that you can access.
Spirituality and reflection
The Solent University spirituality and reflection service supports students of all faiths and backgrounds.