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Why study BA (Hons) Musical Theatre transcript

Why study BA (Hons) Musical Theatre
Audio description
00:00 - 0:23:11
Montage of students participating in Muscial Theatre course at Solent UNiversity, including, dancing, singing, and acting on stage.
0:23:11 - 0:38:24
I think Solent's definitely, really prepared us to go out into the working world because we've had so much opportunity to try lots of different things. You can really pick what speaks to you the most and what you enjoy the most, and it feels like you can really make what you like doing a real job.
Student, Katie is talking to camera, whilst cutaways shows students practising and performing dance and acting.
0:38:24 - 0:54:03
Our musical theater degree runs over three years, undergraduate level. We cover the theory of musical theater, we also look at dance movements, singing and acting in a fairly even balance across the modules.
Course Leader, Annie Sanger-Davies is talkign to camera, whilst cutaways show students practising and performing dance and acting.
0:54:03 - 1:12:06
I've learned to sing using all of the different muscle groups in my body, so we engage the muscles here, at the base, here around the sides and up with the lungs, breathing into different areas of my body to create different sounds. And learning different practitioners, Jo Estill her her kind of ways of singing and learning stuff like that, is great as well.
Student Tyler, talks to cmera whilst cutaways show in singing practice sessions.
1:12:06 - 1:27:22
We really firmly believe that the more experience, performance experience, so not just in the classroom, but experience performing is what helps that performance muscle to develop. So as many opportunities as we can to get the students on stage, we embrace those.
Course Leader, Annie talks to camera.
1:27:22 - 1:36:05
You're constantly creating work with your tutors and your peers all the time and it feels really rewarding because it's your own work.
Student, Bronagh, is talking to camera.
1:36:05 - 1:53:01
The modules specifically in third year, really prepare us. We have audition preparation which is obviously hugely helpful. Portfolio - like working on show reels and head shots and everything that you need, as like, a tool kit so you can go out and you can be the most prepared and professional performer.
Student, Katie is talking to camera, whilst cutaways show students dancing on stage.
1:53:01 - 2:08:06
Not only preparing you as a performer, but there's selective modules on third year and you can pick to do directing, or theater and education, or stage combat, which that, helps guide you a little bit more into what area of the industry you would like to further develop, a little bit more.
Student, Mila, is talking to camera, whilst cutaways show her practising actig techniques with other students.
2:08:06 - 2:41:00
The second semester of every level, the students have a show. We're really lucky that's one of the special things about Solent, is that we have a big focus on getting the students on the stage and performing. We do a live brief module every year that's set by an industry professional. This year, they did a big collaboration with a local theater company, where they went into schools and created, co-created pieces of children's theater for the schools and then that was shown back at the theater 400 seater, to the school audiences, so that was really exciting.
Course Leader, Annie is talking to camera, whilst cutaways show students practising on stage and practice spaces.
2:41:00 - 3:04:23
Studying at Solent, there's a lot of opportunities that you have access to so, you have access to Solent Stage, which is a stage production - they put on plays and musicals and shows like that. You also have access to live band stuff, so if you wanted to be in a band you could carry on with them and you could do stuff with them. Radio Sonar -that's something I'm a part of and that's something I'd like to continue with. It's brilliant, it's a very wide base of things that you can get into after doing this.
Student, Tyler, is talking to camera, whilst cutaways show students on usical insyruments and working in the radio studio.
3:04:23 - 3:18:19
I've never been in an environment where I feel this supported in the industry. We get a lot of support from our peers and from the uni and from our lecturers and I've really found a community in Solent.
Student, Mila is talking to camera.
3:18:19 - 3:25:22
If you want to be in an uplifting environment where you're consistently improving - this is the place to be.
Student, Bronagh, is talking to camera.
3:25:22 - 3:29:19
Bronagh fades to white, and the Solent red wave appears animated on screen, followed by the Solent University logo and website address,