At Solent, we are committed to providing a fair, diverse and cohesive environment that challenges and tackles social inequality. Our work on campus and in the local community aims to build a welcoming culture, based on mutual trust, fairness, harmony and respect.

Our vision is to transform people’s lives, regardless of their background, through providing learning, teaching and experiences that are relevant to the real world.
Located in a diverse and culturally enriched community, Solent welcomes people seeking sanctuary, including asylum seekers and refugees. Since 2017, when Southampton City Council welcomed 25 Syrian families into the city, we have offered a scholarship to Syrian national refugees, enabling those who have fled their war-torn home to access the benefits of higher education and build a better life.
With a history of working with our local community and welcoming those in need, we were delighted to achieve University of Sanctuary status in December 2023. This UK-wide initiative aims to ensure universities foster a welcome and inclusive culture for asylum seekers and refugees.
Being awarded University of Sanctuary is just one example of the University’s commitment to public engagement. Public engagement at Solent University is formed of two strategic priorities from the 2025 strategy, Engaging with our Communities and Research and Knowledge Exchange. We are also a proud signatory of the City of Sanctuary pledge.
I am excited to be working with Solent University and proud to support their commitments to widening their welcome and access to people seeking sanctuary. At a time when this is needed most, Solent is a great example of a university working collaboratively with their community to learn about the barriers people seeking sanctuary can face and working together to overcome them. We look forward to learning from Solent and welcoming them into the network.
A network of nominated colleagues across the University, forming a working group, are driving the initiative, ensuring that we make a difference to people seeking sanctuary. Here you can discover how Solent is welcoming people seeking sanctuary and fostering a culture of welcome and inclusion for all. If you would like to find out more or get involved, please get in touch.
Support as an applicant
Monika Materna-Brossier is our named contact for the Solent Sanctuary Scholarship Scheme. Monika will provide one-to-one support to any person seeking sanctuary with their application to the University and the scheme, along with being a friendly face to our successful sanctuary scholars.
Monika is an international student adviser in the International Office, providing information, advice, and guidance to international students across the University. She contributes a wealth of experience to the team on immigration and study visas and has been at Solent since 2018.
If you wish to apply for the scheme or find out more, email Monika at
Support as a student
There are lots of ways for students to get help and support once a sanctuary scholar, in addition to our named contact, Rozenn. Whether you have a problem with your course, finances, personal life or mental health, Student Services are here to help. They will endeavour to answer your query and if they can’t, they will find the appropriate person or specialist team to do so.
The Student Hub at Solent University is the first point of contact for any queries relating to your course or any personal matters which may be affecting your studies at the University. You can visit them in person at East Park Terrace, email or call 023 8201 5200.
More information about the Solent Sanctuary Scholarship Scheme
Get involved
Join Southampton Sanctuary Network
The Southampton Sanctuary Network founded by City Life Church, Solent University and Southampton City Council was launched in October 2023 building upon previous work undertaken by the Southampton City of Sanctuary charity. Meeting four times a year, sessions provide an opportunity for knowledge exchange between community-based organisations and academia who are supporting sanctuary seekers to collaborate, share best practice and learn from one another.
To join the network and receive an invite to the next meeting please complete this form.
Got an idea or looking to work with us?
We’re working with a range of external partners and organisation to enable our plan. We are always interested in hearing about ways we can work together on new incentives and ideas for projects involving or helping people seeking sanctuary. For example, we can help find volunteers as all Solent staff are entitled to a day’s paid volunteering a year. Please get in touch to let us know more.