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Wondering how to spend the weeks before you go to uni? Dive into this week's article for some tips.
A new adventure is awaiting you from September, but first you've got summer to enjoy – spending time with family, friends, and just doing the things that make you happy! We’ve put together some ways you can make the most of it, but the world is your oyster – so get out there and enjoy it to the full.
The start of the summer break is the perfect time to start getting everything ready for uni in September so you’re not having a panic in the last few days before moving. Take a look at our checklist, covering everything you need to get ready for uni.
One of the perks of friends going to different unis is that you suddenly get a whole new host of cities to look around. Book your train tickets in advance, or chip in for petrol if someone can drive, and start sightseeing! Use local websites to help with where to go and what’s on – Visit Southampton is good round here, for example.
Before all the fun of university starts, remember to take some time out for you to relax and chill – enjoying your favourite hobbies, or even just doing things that make you happy – playing your favourite computer games, baking, walking the dog!
Firstly, if there’s anything you’ve ever wanted to do near home and you haven’t got round to it yet, what are you waiting for? Okay, if there are money restrictions, fair enough, but this is literally the perfect excuse to go ahead and do what you want.
Sometimes, the most fun you can have is when you don’t put any effort in. Think about:
…make the most of being at home and close to your friends and family. It gets a little harder to stay in touch once uni gets going, and taking the opportunity to relax with your favourite people over the summer can help keep everything from getting too overwhelming come September.
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