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UCAS Extra closes soon

Still deciding what uni or course to apply to? Let us run you through UCAS Extra.

In just over a week UCAS Extra is closing! So if you’re still deciding on which uni to choose, or you think you’re having a change of heart about your university choice, don’t panic - you have time to decide what you want to do. This week we’ll be helping you to make that ever-important decision.

UCAS Extra - a quick refresh

This is a super quick reminder, so if you want a more in-depth look at what UCAS Extra is, check out our article dedicated to it!

UCAS Extra is a service run by UCAS that will give you another choice for university. So, if you've not received an offer, changed your mind, or declined all your offers, you can make an additional choice with UCAS Extra.

UCAS Extra will close on 4 July, so you'll need to make your choice by then.

Making a choice

Seeing as how we’ve pretty much covered everything about how to use UCAS Extra previously, we’re going to help you with making a choice. As there's just over a week left until UCAS Extra closes, you'll need to start deciding on where and what you want to study and make a final decision.

Choosing a university can be a tough decision; you want to make sure it has the right course, location, campus and feel. Below are some useful tips for helping you make your decision about which university to choose.

Speak to current students

With university forums like Student Crowd, The Student Room and Whatuni you can speak to current students, read reviews about your chosen university, or chat to students who are also applying.

Speaking to current students on these forums will give you an idea of what university life is really like, and normally it's very unfiltered and honest. But one thing to remember: you’ll always hear more about the negatives than the positives, so don’t let it deter you too much if there are very few positive comments about your chosen university and course.

If you want to hear endorsements about the course, a lot of universities will have testimonials from students and alumni about the courses they’ve studied. At Solent, we’ve got Graduate Stories, so why not check out what our graduates and students have to say?

So, make sure you read around what students say about the university. After all, you'll be in their shoes in a couple of months.

Visit an open day

We covered what to do at on open day previously but we can’t stress enough the importance of booking an open day at your chosen university so you can visit the campus yourself.

You’ll pretty much know as soon as you step on campus how you feel about it and whether you can see yourself there or not. You'll also be able to get a feel for the course as well as the accommodation, which could help inform your decision.

If there are no open days left, you may be able to book an individual visit. Check out the open days page on the university's website to see all the options available.

Chat to the lecturers

Your lecturers will be the ones who will be giving you all the skills and knowledge that you need to succeed in your professional career. Take the opportunity to chat to them and even check out their background.

A lot of lecturers will have staff profiles on university websites, giving you the chance to ping over a quick email outlining any concerns you have. Or you can email the university you’re applying to, and they can pass this on if you would prefer not to send a direct email (ours is

Some previous weeks to check out

52 Weeks To Go is a guide to help get you ready for university, which you can refer to any time you need as you start your university journal.

If you’re still struggling with where you're going to apply to, or what you're going to study, here are some useful articles to help you.

Choosing a career

In this week, we look at choosing a career that will give you the life you want. Would you like to be a freelancer, or would you rather have a comfortable 9-5 job?

Is university right for you?

There are also some alternatives to going to university. So, if you're thinking that maybe university isn't the right choice, we have some information that might help.

What are the different types of degree?

If you're still confused about the different types of degrees, or need clarification to make sure you're choosing the right one for you, check out our guide on higher education qualifications.

11 ways to get the most out of a uni open day

If you're able to attend an open day before UCAS Extra fully closes, we've got the best guide for making the most out of your visit. This will help you choose whether the university is right for you.

Choosing the right course

You may have chosen where you want to study, but not what. Our article on choosing the right course should help with that!

Go with your gut

There are lots of ways to help you make a choice. Some people flip a coin, others will make a pros and cons list and weigh up each list and make a decision based on that.

Ultimately, deep down you know what you want to do, so it’s about listening to your instincts. Gut feelings are there for a reason; they help you make informed decisions on what you need to do.

How many times have you had a bad feeling about something and it's turned out to be right?

BBC Futures have a really good article on going with your gut instinct, which is worth a read: Should you trust your gut feeling?

And if all else fails? Don't forget about Clearing

Clearing is a great plan B when it comes to applying to university.

Check out everything you need to know about Clearing via our ultimate guide, which is divided into part one and part two for your ease!

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