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The Pod in The Spark

Solent students asked to submit work for art exhibition in Sicily

9 May 2022

The exhibition will have a gallery format but also a number of images will be placed on permanent display around the city, re-vitalising traditional icon sites in Palermo.

Students were presented with the opportunity by Art & Poetry Open Air Museum in Palermo (The APPA Museum) with a view to working together on an exhibition project.

The students were given the theme of Virtue/Myth and asked to produce a series of images which could work in an exhibition context and as a printed artefact.

Around 35 students submitted work and images by these students will feature in the gallery exhibition. Additionally, five pieces will be mounted permanently around the city. One student will have their trip and accommodation to the opening of the exhibition funded by APPA.

The work will range from large format prints on paper to boxed collections of post card sized images. The street images will be bonded onto acrylic.

Gino Sprio, Senior Lecturer in Photography and Film, said: “The exhibition will run concurrently with The Psychology of Sustainability Conference. This will be attended by a number of fashion luminaries, including Sara Sozzano Maino, Head of Vogue Talents, so will be an amazing opportunity for the students to have their work seen and make connections within the industry.”



Fashion, make-up and prosthetics

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