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Interviews and portfolios

For some of our undergraduate courses, you will need to submit a portfolio or attend an interview.

We hold additional selection events to meet you to assess that you're the right fit for the course you've applied for. It allows us to assess your motivation, recognise what drives you, and understand your academic potential. Interviews, portfolio viewings and auditions are a fantastic way for our academic teams to appreciate your passion, knowledge and skills.

When will I be interviewed?

Interviews, auditions and portfolio viewings take place throughout the year, depending on when you apply. You'll have access to our booking system where you can book a date and time convenient for you.

If you have applied for a course that requires you to submit an electronic portfolio, you'll be emailed a brief and informed of a deadline of when to submit your portfolio to us by. This deadline will also show on your UCAS Track.

What does my interview involve?

This depends on the course you've applied for. You may be interviewed as part of a group, or on an individual basis. You may be interviewed by one member of the academic team or a panel of interviewers. This will be detailed in the brief you get sent once you have booked an additional selection.

How to prepare for your additional selection

The type of additional selection will depend on the course you have applied for. You may have been invited for an on-campus interview, a virtual interview, a portfolio viewing, or an audition. You may also have been asked to submit an electronic portfolio for consideration.

It's important you read the brief that's sent to you when you either book on to your additional selection, or when you're sent an invite to submit your portfolio viewing. Each brief has been written by the academic team for the course you've applied for, so they will expect you to have covered all aspects of what's required in the brief when they meet with you or review your work.

If you have any questions about the brief, you can contact the Admission and Enrolment team at

Being invited to an interview, audition or portfolio viewing also gives you a fantastic opportunity you to meet your academic team for the course and ask any questions you may have. You could ask about the course content, what employment our graduates have gone into, or what extracurricular activities you could get involved with.

On the day

Meet and greet
If you are coming to an on-campus interview, audition or portfolio viewing, you'll likely be met by one of our student ambassadors. Ask them questions – they're currently studying with us at Solent, so there is nobody better for you to speak to about life as a student in Southampton.

Have a look around
You may be able to go on a campus or facilities tour while you're on campus. Head into the centre of town and have a look around! Southampton could be where you will spend the next three years of your life – enjoy the city while you visit!

What happens after the additional selection?

You can breathe a sigh of relief!

You now just wait for your decision, which will show on Track if you have applied through UCAS. An offer letter will confirm your decision if you have applied directly to the University. Academics will provide some feedback for you – do take note of this. It’s really helpful!

Accepting an offer is really easy - find out how.