“There is no better place to learn about maritime than in a sea city such as Southampton”

If you have a sense of adventure and looking for a career that’s more than the usual ‘9 to 5’, you could train as a navigating officer in the UK’s merchant navy and travel the world while you work.
Studying at the world-renowned Warsash Maritime School on a fully-sponsored three-year officer cadet training programme, you’ll combine the necessary skills and knowledge with work-based learning on board ship to leave you well-prepared to begin your career as a qualified ship’s officer in the Merchant Navy.
Officer cadet training schemes typically last for around three years and are split into five phases which alternate between academic studies, practical and safety training at Warsash Maritime School and seagoing periods to gain practical shipboard experience.
To enrol on an officer cadet training scheme, candidates apply directly to shipping companies, not through UCAS. This is because officer cadet training is fully sponsored by the shipping company, covering course fees and also providing the means for gaining the mandatory work-based learning on board ship. Cadets will often also receive a small salary or living allowance while they are training.
During training at Warsash, deck cadets are taught the necessary academic underpinning knowledge, allowing them to develop a detailed understanding of the safe operation of a modern merchant vessel, as well as the activities of the maritime industry, both at sea and ashore.
This course is part of the South Coast Institute of Technology (IoT), a partnership of colleges, universities and industry-leading employers to create new career opportunities in the technology sector. IoT courses like this one are precisely tailored to the needs of employers in the maritime, engineering and digital industries – industries which are hungry for talented new engineers, technologists, technicians and creatives like you.
Award-winning cadets
Two cadets on the FdSc Nautical Science programme have recently won prestigious maritime awards in recognition of their achievements during their cadetship. Daisy Jarvis won the MCA Officer Trainee of the Year 2022 Award and Molvipa Takhiansok won the UK Maritime 2023 Bevis Minter Award. Read Daisy's and Molvipa's stories to find out about their cadetship journey and what winning the awards meant to them.
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This course has been accredited by a professional body
This course offers additional qualifications for you to obtain with your degree
This course has an option to start in January
This course has access to specialist facilities
After successfully completing your studies, there's an opportunity to continue your studies at Solent
This fully-sponsored training programme is a must for those who wish to become a deck officer in the Merchant Navy. The course is suited to those who are looking for an interesting and varied career, and is ideal for those with strong mathematics and physical science skills.
This programme will lead you to employment as a certified bridge watchkeeping officer on board a commercial (merchant) ship.
Hear from Solent alumni about where their careers have taken them and how studying at Solent prepared them for their future.
Read more stories“There is no better place to learn about maritime than in a sea city such as Southampton”
Teaching is delivered by experienced academic staff with a strong maritime background, most of whom have previously served at sea or are current seafarers. The extensive professional experience of academic staff ensures that the course draws on real-world case studies and equips you with practical, readily applicable knowledge and skills.
The University cannot guarantee any particular members of staff will teach specific aspects of the course in the future, but will endeavour to ensure the teaching team maintains their balance of experience and qualifications.
Warsash Maritime School has a full range of industry-leading training facilities including bridge simulators and ECDIS suites where deck cadets can learn and develop their passage planning skills and navigate ships in an environment that closely resembles the equipment and layouts found on a modern ship’s bridge.
Away from studying, why not try out the gyms, fitness studios and sports halls in our £28 million Sports Complex, or watch a blockbuster film at our student-run cinema with Dolby Atmos audio.
As a deck officer you will be responsible for ship operations on board merchant ships. This module will provide basic knowledge about safe and efficient handling and carriage of the numerous types of cargoes being transported by ships, regulatory compliance and the relationship between IMO and MCA, and various applicable legal conventions, directives, acts/regulations, MCA advice and best industry practice.
Solent’s curriculum framework builds on our unique, creative and applied approach to teaching. The transformation of students’ lives is at the heart of our mission as a university, and our curriculum – informed by the latest theory – reflects this shared educational vision.
Find out moreThe student achievement team are on hand to help you succeed during your studies at Solent. They aim to contact you at key times during your time here with personalised information, advice and guidance, by email or phone.
The disability advice team provides information, advice and guidance for disabled students.
All students can access Succeed@Solent, Solent's online guide to getting better grades. It offers extensive, practical information and advice on topics such as academic writing, research and presentations.
Over 90% of goods are transported worldwide by sea and the demands on shipping are increasing. Maritime and shipping is a huge, thriving industry – the backbone of international trade, and a fundamental part of modern global commerce.
As a ship’s officer you will be a key part of this, keeping vessels of all kinds, from tankers to container ships – or even ferries, cruise liners or superyachts – running effectively, efficiently and safely.
Under the captain’s management, the deck department is responsible for the safe navigation and operation of the vessel, both at sea and in port.
Deck officers are a vital part of the on-board management team, taking charge of an expensive vessel and its equally valuable crew, guests, or cargo. You will take key decisions on manoeuvring the vessel and controlling its navigation, communications and security.
Numerous opportunities also exist for qualified navigation officers ashore. Shipping companies often recruit shore based marine superintendents and fleet operations staff from their seagoing officers. Harbour authorities recruit experienced officers to train as pilots, harbour masters and port operations managers.
Hear from Solent alumni about where their careers have taken them and how studying at Solent prepared them for their future.
Read more stories“There is no better place to learn about maritime than in a sea city such as Southampton”
The Solent Careers team is committed to getting students into great careers.
While you are studying, the team can help you with finding work experience or placements, link you with a mentor, check your CV, or offer one-to-one guidance.
If you're in your final year, we also have graduate job opportunities just for Solent graduates.
UK uni for sustained employment
Longitudinal Educational Outcomes, 2022
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Every student at Solent University will also have the option to study an additional Certificate in Practical Artificial Intelligence qualification alongside their course. Free of charge, the course ensures you'll be prepared for a fantastic and varied career after graduation.
Thinking about studying further than an undergraduate degree? Alumni can get 20% off their postgraduate study.
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Keen to learn more about the business of maritime? With a rich blend of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, Solent’s International Maritime Business master’s programme...
Officer cadet training is fully sponsored by shipping companies.
For further information, please visit our tuition fees page.
While most course costs are covered by your tuition fees, some essential resources and optional extras may need to be paid for separately. For advice on budgeting and managing your money, please contact student.funding@solent.ac.uk.
Solent University offers a range of bursaries and scholarships that provide financial assistance or waive fees for tuition or accommodation. Each bursary or scholarship has specific eligibility criteria. Check out our bursaries and scholarships pages to find out more.
Cost of living support
At Solent, we understand that the cost of living crisis may be of some concern. To help, we've put together some detailed information to show what support is available and how to make your money go further.
There is no charge to attend graduation, but you will be required to pay for the rental of your academic gown (approximately £45 per graduate, depending on your award). You may also wish to purchase official photography packages, which range in price from £15 to £200+. Graduation is not compulsory, so if you prefer to have your award sent to you, there is no cost. Extra guest tickets will go on sale after results publication and will be sold on a first-come-first-served basis. The cost per ticket is currently £15. Please note, we do not guarantee there will be any extra tickets available to purchase.
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As a general guide, we look for qualifications that are equivalent to the British high school A-levels.
British shipping companies will normally accept applications from candidates from the EU. Candidates should apply directly to the shipping companies for sponsorship.
For further information about UK, EU and international qualifications, please see our course entry requirements document.
As a general guide, we look for qualifications that are equivalent to the British high school A-levels. However, MCA certificates of competency may be awarded to people of any nationality and the training programmes are open to all.
British shipping companies will normally only recruit UK or European Union nationals. If you're a potential international candidate from outside the UK and EU, you should research shipping companies from your own country (that are approved by the MCA) to secure sponsorship.
All international applicants need to be aware that the English language requirements to attend Solent University, and the English language requirements to obtain a visa from the Home Office, may be different. This means that if you meet the Solent University language requirement to gain a place on the course, you may still have to meet additional requirements to be granted with a visa by the Home Office.
We strongly advise all applicants to visit the Home Office website which outlines all the requirements for a successful visa application.
Contact international admissions
Email: Call:To apply for this course, you must meet the academic entry requirements as stated.
The next step is to find a company to sponsor you so you can complete the sea service elements of the training programme. You should apply direct to the sponsoring companies for details of their recruitment policies and the availability of sponsorship.
There are a number of UK sponsoring companies that recruit UK nationals as officer cadets to work in the various shipping sectors of the Merchant Navy (for example, cargo, container, cruise, tanker etc.), either individual shipping companies recruiting to fulfil their own staffing needs or training organisations that recruit on behalf of their clients.
Companies normally start the recruitment process around January each year for entry in the following September or January.
Applicants who do not have English as their first language will be required to demonstrate an approved level of proficiency in the use of the English language. The agreed minimum requirements for this course are:
Qualifications are checked before enrolment, and international students must bring their original certificates or certified copies when coming to study at the University.
Pre-Sessional English programme
The University also offers a pre-sessional English programme for international students who wish to improve their level of English before starting a degree course.